Please note the following information is only relevant for Visas granted prior to 24 April 2015.

The Significant Investor Visa (SIV) is an initiative by the Australian Government. It provides an opportunity for people to migrate to Australia whilst benefiting the Australian economy. Under the SIV, high net worth investors must invest A$5m into SIV compliant investments for a minimum of four years before being eligible to apply for permanent residency. 

Investors applying under this Visa will need to prove that the funds in which they are investing are compliant. Equity Trustees has completed the Declaration Form 1413 for applicants applying under the Visa which provides requisite proof of a fund’s complying status. 

The following EQT and EQT SGH funds satisfy the SIV eligibility requirements for visas granted prior to 24 April 2015:   

Investment Manager SIV Complying Investment Fund (prior to 24 April 2015) APIR Code Asset Class
Equity Trustees EQT Wholesale Mortgage Income Fund ETL0122AU Mortgages - Australia
Equity Trustees EQT Australian Equity Income Fund ETL0399AU Australian shares - income
Equity Trustees EQT Wholesale Flagship Fund ETL0079AU Australian shares - large cap.