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If you're in a position to make a difference and  experience the joy of giving to a community you care about, Equity Trustees can assist you in establishing a permanent legacy for you and your family that makes a positive change in the world. 

Establishing a giving structure that is right for you and then embarking on the vision you have for the communities you care about is complex as there are many options to consider. From establishing a Sub-Fund or your own Foundation to developing a philanthropic granting strategy, we can give you expert guidance to bring your vision of philanthropy to life.

We'll help you make a Difference with strategic giving

For more than 145 years, we've been helping Australians establish powerful legacies for their families, with tailored advice from industry experts. Our dedicated philanthropy team will take the time to understand your needs and values, and then help you put together a giving plan to achieve your aims. With an in-house support team of investment , tax and legal experts, we can carefully manage your legacy into the future and make the most of your resources.

Philanthropy can be done in so many ways

Everywhere  you go in the world, there's a need for helping others. Hospitals that need extensions, diseases that need cures, communities that need transforming and natural wonders that need protecting. Whatever cause you wish to help with your philanthropy, Equity Trustees can ensure the best outcome for everyone.

Expert guidance to achieve your giving goals

Whether its single lump-sum donations or regular donations that are spread over many years to come, your funds can make a difference with the right guidance. Our expert team of philanthropic consultants can help you define your goals and show you how your funds can be leveraged in the best possible way. So that your 'good giving', gets great results.

There's several ways we can help to protect your contribution along the way

Equity Trustees is one of the largest philanthropic funders in Australia, overseeing more than 650 charitable trusts and foundations.
Thanks to our many years of experience, we know what works best for each type of giving. We can recommend several structures to ensure that your funds have maximum impact for years to come.

Perpetual Charitable Trusts
For some of our clients, their wish is for their wealth to make a difference after they pass on. In this instance, a Perpetual Charitable Trust is a wise choice for long-term preservation and management of their wealth for philanthropic purposes.

Private Ancillary Funds
A Private Ancillary Fund (PAF) provides a tax-effective way for people who wish to make philanthropic contributions to organisations that qualify as deductible gift recipients (DGR1).

Equity Trustees Charitable Foundation (sub-fund)
Creating a sub-fund within the Equity Trustees Charitable Foundation (ECF) is an easy way to begin your journey into philanthropy. Equity Trustees manages all of the investment, compliance, governance and administration of your sub-fund leaving you to recommend which DGR1 organisations you'd like to support each year. Your interaction with your philanthropy is enhanced by an easy-to-use portal which offers transparency and accessibility to your sub-fund.

Philanthropy which structure is right for you

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Talk to us about your philanthropy plans

If you’d like to make a difference in the world with the money you have, then get in touch with us today. We’ll be happy to help you realise your goals in the most effective manner possible.