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The Arthur Marsden Whiting’s Sympathy Fund was established to provide assistance to people with a physical disability who are in need of financial support. The Fund is administered by Equity Trustees Limited (the Trustee) in accordance with the specific instructions contained in the Will of Arthur Marsden Whiting.

One grant of up to $3,000 per applicant is available within a 12-month period. The grant may be increased from time to time dependent on funds available for distribution.


To be eligible for assistance, as outlined in the Will, applicants must:

• Have a primary disability that impairs mobility.
• Be of the Protestant faith.
• Reside in the State of Victoria.

• Not suffer from alcoholism.
• Meet the financial eligibility criteria.
• Be in need of financial assistance in order to obtain equipment, treatment, education or training, or any other assistance for the care of the person with a disability.

Download the guidelines

Apply here

Applications open:

The round is open all year with four specific assessment rounds

1 January to 31 March
1 April to 30 June
July August
1 July to 30 September
October November
1 October to 31 December
January February

The following documents must be provided with your online application:

1. Medical Form: completed by a recognised medical practitioner and occupational therapist / allied health practitioner (including their mailing and email address and contact telephone number).

2. Supporting Letter: from the applicant’s occupational therapist / allied health practitioner, giving further details regarding the applicant’s circumstances and need for funding. The supporting letter should state the following:

• Level of mobility – independent / uses mobility aids e.g. walking frame / dependent on wheelchair use.
• Functional ability for self-care activities (eating, dressing, bathing, toileting) – independent / needs some assistance from others / dependent on 1:1 support)
3. An exact quote: from the preferred supplier.

4. One of the following:

• Copy of your Centrelink Carer Payment card (not Carer Allowance), Disability Support Pension or Aged Pension card; or
• Completion of the financial information section on the online application form.