Medical Grants

The quality of our lives is closely linked to our health. Australia has an enviable record in health and medical research. This research is crucial to the future health of Australians and the long-term health of our economy. Equity Trustees supports many facets of health and medical research. 

The Medical Research & Health Strategy is currently under review and to be updated in late 2024.


Grants Available

  • The Mason Foundation

    Mason National
    Medical Program


    The Judith Jane Mason & Harold Stannet Williams Memorial Foundation (‘the Mason Foundation’) is a charitable trust that supports medical and scientific research on myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and Alzheimer’s disease.

    The Mason Foundation was established as a result of a generous donation in 2003 from Judith Jane Mason (nee Williams). She also made a number of top-up contributions during her lifetime. The Foundation is named in honour of the benefactor and her father, Harold Stannett Williams, who Ms Mason described as
    “a most intelligent, wonderful and charitable man”.

    Goal of the Mason Foundation

    The goal of The Mason Foundation is to achieve enduring, positive impact in the areas of ME/CFS and Alzheimer’s disease through funding medical research principally into the causes, prevention and/or management of these diseases.

    On 14 August 2019, the Mason Foundation announced funding to establish the first Australian Registry and Biobank for ME/CFS. Refer to the Equity Trustees website here for further details.

    The Mason Foundation - Alzheimer’s research grants

    Equity Trustees and the National Foundation for Medical Research and Innovation (NFMRI) announced a new partnership in 2018 to advance research focused on Alzheimer’s disease.

    Together, we will be seeking expressions of interests for projects investigating potential treatments and/or cure for Alzheimer’s Disease that align with NFMRI’s strategy and mission. Further information is provided on NFMRI's website.

    The Mason Foundation – ME/CFS research grants

    The Mason Foundation ME/CFS research grants support research projects that focus on Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome  (ME/CFS) Grants will be awarded to a maximum of $120,000 per annum, for up to 3 years.

    Objective: Support research projects that focus on Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)

    2024 Grant round now closed

    Outcome: January 2025

    Eligibility and application Process: Please refer to the Guidelines for details. For information about  AusMe Registry and BioBank read here.

  • Viertel Foundation Logo

    Viertel Foundation Senior Medical Research Fellowship

    The Sylvia and Charles Viertel Charitable Foundation invites applications annually for a five-year Senior Medical Research Fellowship valued at $275,000 per annum. The trustees may award up to two fellowships each year at their discretion. Applicants cannot hold another full-time salary grant.

    Applications open: February
    Applications close: April 30 2024


    The application form and the guidelines for the Senior Medical Fellowship are available HERE. 

    Related Stories - From rags to riches - The story of Charles Viertel

    Visit the Foundation website for more information and a list of the Fellowship Alumni.

  • Viertel Foundation Logo

    Viertel Foundation Clinical Investigator Awards

    The Sylvia and Charles Viertel Charitable Foundation invites applications annually for Clinical Investigator awards of $90,000, given on a once-only basis. The foundation hopes to offer five awards in this category each year.

    Eligible applicants will be medical graduates or graduates of other clinical disciplines who have completed both their clinical and research training, normally at a doctoral level.  Applicants will be commencing their first substantive clinical position or have been in such a post for no more than 48 months at the year of application.

    Applications open: February
    Applications close: April 30 2024


    The application form and guidelines for the Clinical Investigator Awards are available HERE.

    Related Stories - From rags to riches - The story of Charles Viertel

    Visit the Foundation website for more information and a list of the Clinical Investigator Alumni.
  • The Arthur Marsden Whiting Sympathy Fund

    The Arthur Marsden Whiting’s Sympathy Fund was established to provide assistance to people with a physical disability who are in need of financial support. The Fund is administered by Equity Trustees Limited (the Trustee) in accordance with the specific instructions contained in the Will of Arthur Marsden Whiting.

    One grant of up to $3,000 per applicant is available within a 12-month period. The grant may be increased from time to time dependent on funds available for distribution.


    To be eligible for assistance, as outlined in the Will, applicants must:

    • Have a primary disability that impairs mobility.
    • Be of the Protestant faith.
    • Reside in the State of Victoria.

    • Not suffer from alcoholism.
    • Meet the financial eligibility criteria.
    • Be in need of financial assistance in order to obtain equipment, treatment, education or training, or any other assistance for the care of the person with a disability.

    Download the guidelines

    Apply here

    Applications open:

    The round is open all year with four specific assessment rounds

    1 January to 31 March
    1 April to 30 June
    July August
    1 July to 30 September
    October November
    1 October to 31 December
    January February

    The following documents must be provided with your online application:

    1. Medical Form: completed by a recognised medical practitioner and occupational therapist / allied health practitioner (including their mailing and email address and contact telephone number).

    2. Supporting Letter: from the applicant’s occupational therapist / allied health practitioner, giving further details regarding the applicant’s circumstances and need for funding. The supporting letter should state the following:

    • Level of mobility – independent / uses mobility aids e.g. walking frame / dependent on wheelchair use.
    • Functional ability for self-care activities (eating, dressing, bathing, toileting) – independent / needs some assistance from others / dependent on 1:1 support)
    3. An exact quote: from the preferred supplier.

    4. One of the following:

    • Copy of your Centrelink Carer Payment card (not Carer Allowance), Disability Support Pension or Aged Pension card; or
    • Completion of the financial information section on the online application form.

  • Harold & Cora Brennen Benevolent Trust

    The Harold & Cora Brennen Benevolent Trust provides funding towards innovative equipment and instruments for the purpose of medical research. 
    The Harold & Cora Brennen Benevolent Trust grants are awarded for amounts above $10,000 and up to $40,000. Registered Victorian charitable organisations only.
    Applications must clearly state the research project that will be assisted by the proposed equipment or instruments purchase.
    Legal Limitations: This Trust cannot support medical research into creating artificial life
    The following will be considered in making funding decisions:

    • Scientific merit/innovation
    • Soundness of methodology
    • Feasibility of achieving outcomes
    • Availability of funds

    2020 Grant Round Now Closed

    2021 Grant round
    Applications for The Harold & Cora Brennan Benevolent Trust will not open in 2021.
    Medical program applications will be by invitation only.

  • Brian Smith Memorial Award

    The Brian Smith Memorial Award was established in perpetuity in memory of Brian William Smith (1939-1990). Brian Smith was a leading Melbourne surgeon, whose main surgical interest was disease of the colon and rectum.

    Applications are invited for funding in FY2025 towards research and surgical training in the area of colorectal disease.

    Award Objectives:

    Up to $40,000 is available to enhance the surgical skills and knowledge of researchers and practitioners with a special interest in colonoscopy, colonic cancer and the applied anatomy, physiology or pathology of the colon or rectum.

    More than one award may be made within that total amount. Preference will be given to Applications that would be fully-funded by this award or where any necessary co-funding is already secured.

    Overseas travel and equipment can be funded as part of the Award.


    The Brian Smith Memorial Award can only accept applications from researchers / practitioners employed by a charitable organisation with DGR1 endorsement.

    2025 Grant round

    Applications Open:  1 March 2025
    Applications Close: 
    1 May 2025
    Grants announced: 
    June 2025


    Applications will be evaluated by a committee consisting of medical professionals practicing and skilled in the areas of colonoscopy, colonic cancer and related areas along with a representative of the Benefactor.

  • Felice Rosemary Lloyd Scholarship

    The Felice Rosemary Lloyd Trust provides scholarships to physiotherapists who wish to travel overseas or within Australia for post-graduate study or to gain professional experience.

    Students need to apply through an organisation with a Deductible Gift Recipient status (DGR) with which they are associated, e.g. an employer such as a hospital, or a university where they are studying.

    Value: Up to $10,000 per student.

    For more information please read the guidelines

    Grants available for Victorian physiotherapist professionals - Flyer

    Round opens 13 December 2021 and closes 27 March 2022