At Equity Trustees, we can help you bring your vision to life for giving and use your wealth to make a difference for the long term. Our structured giving programs mean that while your funds are protected and growing over time, the causes you're passionate about are getting support as well, year after year.
Share your love for your community
One of the most effective ways to make a long-term difference in the lives of many others is through establishing a charitable trust.
This gives you the ability to give into perpetuity, supporting the causes that you're passionate about.
With so many ways to put your money to work for the common good, it can be hard to determine which structure will work best for you. Through talking with you about your giving goals, we can help create a safe financial structure bring your vision come to life. (Read more)
Giving Consultancy
If you would like to share your wealth for the greater common good, but don't know where to start, our Giving Consultancy can help. Our expert team can assist you in establishing your own personal strategy, ensuring you have clarity about how and where you will give. (Read more).